About us

Heaven is one step away, dreams are reality, 

and no one knows anything.

What That Means. 

Heaven is one step away

Faith is at the core of who I am and is what I want to accomplish. "do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others as more significant than yourself." Philippians 2:3. Or to put it another way, the creation creating to worship it's Creator. 

Dreams are reality

The world keeps pressuring me that I have to let go of my dreams and the things that make me happy. I reject that reality and instead replace it with my own. I think no matter how old I am that I can always find joy in the simple things that I have spent a lifetime working towards. And so I will continue to dream. 

No one Knows anything. 

Everyone, including myself should be life long learners. No matter what stage of life anyone is in, life always have more to offer and I will always have more to learn. Because of this, I strive not  to judge anyone, it is not my place as a human to judge. It is my place as a follower of Christ to show unconditional love. No matter how hard that can be sometimes.